Walter F. Mondale Hall, Room 50


The annual conference of the Institute for Research In Statistics and its Applications (IRSA) will be held on May 2-3, 2019 at the University of Minnesota. This year, the theme is “Causal Inference and Data Science”.

Causal inference is a broad topic where one aims to combine external knowledge and study design to draw a causal connection between objects. It has gained popularity in fields including statistics, biostatistics, computer science, economics, epidemiology, philosophy, and various social sciences. This workshop will foster interdisciplinary research on causal inference with recent developments in statistics.

This conference will include the annual Buehler-Martin lectures of the School of Statistics, IRSA Distinguished Plenary lectures, several invited talks, and poster presentations. As with most of the activities of IRSA, this conference focuses on interdisciplinary research and collaboration.  

Buehler-Martin Keynote Lecture: James Robins, Harvard University
Buehler-Martin Plenary Lecture: Elizabeth Halloran, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
IRSA Distinguished Lecture: Miguel Hernan, Harvard University 

Poster Session

Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and researchers are invited to submit a poster proposal for this event. Applicants who are invited to present their posters at the conference will receive a $25 reimbursement towards their registration fee. LEARN MORE

Key Links


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  • $50 for University of Minnesota students
  • $75 for University of Minnesota faculty and staff
  • $125 for others


A block of rooms with a special discounted rate has been reserved for our conference attendees at the Graduate Hotel. This block of rooms will be released to the general public on April 15. Reserve online using this booking link or call 612-379-8888, press 1 for reservations and ask for the IRSA 2019 block.

The Graduate Hotel
615 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414
$167 Deluxe Guest Room for May 1, 2, 3


IRSA Conference 2019 Poster