Title: The Diversity of Repression: Measuring State Repressive Repertoires with Events Data
Abstract: Tactical repertories of mobilization and repression play an essential role in understanding political violence, yet existing quantitative approaches are ill-equipped to measure such repertoires. We demonstrate a novel method of measuring repertoires of state repression using events data and leveraging information-theoretic entropy measures. We discuss the unique advantages of this new method at the country and global levels.
Dr. Benjamin Bagozzi is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware. His research interests lie in the application of automated text-analysis and statistical methods to questions of international relations, political violence, and comparative politics. He has published multiple articles on these topics in journals such as The Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, and The Journal of Conflict Resolution. He currently serves as a co-investigator on an NSF-RIDIR award that seeks to modernize the infrastructure and validity of political event data for big data social science research. He is also currently a co-PI on an NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences award related to the development of spatio-temporal algorithms for threat detection in contexts of big data.