Statistics and Data Science for Earth Systems

University of Minnesota Graduate Hotel Washington Avenue

2018 IRSA Conference

The annual conference of the Institute for Research In Statistics and its Applications (IRSA) will be held on May 3-5, 2018 at the University of Minensota. This year, the theme is “Statistics and Data Science for Earth Systems”. This conference will include the annual Buehler-Martin lectures of the School  of Statistics, IRSA Distinguished Plenary lectures, several invited talks, poster presentations and short courses. As with most of the activities of IRSA, this conference focuses on inter-disciplinary research and collaboration: between Statistics and Data Science on one end and Earth Systems Sciences on the other. 

In this conference, our goal is bring together the Statistics and Data Science community and researchers on various aspects of Earth systems, including atmosphere and oceanographic modeling, remote sensing, study of extremes, sustainability, resilience of ecosystems and various other topics. This is to foster inter-disciplinary research on Earth Systems Science with the help of statistical methods, especially the recently developed methods to analyze spatio-temporal big data, develop predictive models, test hypotheses and conduct inference on statistical frames for such data.


View the full schedule 

View short course abstracts

Invited speakers titles and abstracts are being added to the website as we receive them and some speakers are subject to switch times depending on their topic and schedule.

Plenary Speakers:

  • Professor Douglas Nychka (former Director, IMAGe, National Center for Atmospheric Research)
  • Professor Richard Smith (University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill and former Director of the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute)
  • Professor Timothy DelSole (George Mason University)
  • Professor Jessica Hellmann (Director, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota)
  • Additional distinguished researchers to be announced

Short Course Presenters:

  • Introduction to Spatial Data Visualization | Peter Engstram, University of Minnesota
  • Wavelets in Analysis of Climate Time Series | Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
  • Remote Sensing Data and Statistics | Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Labratory (NASA)
  • Climate Data and their External Internal Variablity | Stefan Liess, University of Minnesota


$50 for students, $75 for faculty and $125 for others

Register Here


Guests can call the Graduate hotel directly at 612-379-8888 or the toll free number 800-822-6757. Ask for the “IRSA Earth Systems Conference block”

Guests can also reserve online at             

  1. Click on "Book Now"
  2. Enter your dates of stay. We are holding rooms for May 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, 2018.
  3. Under “Group Code”, enter 050218IRSA and click “check availability”

Or use this link to visit the block reservation page directly.

IRSA Conference 2018 Flyer